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The main objective of the project was to provide a means for advanced innovation process management and facilitated innovation introduction in manufacturing SMEs. The main objective of the training developed within the project is to increase innovation in SMEs by implementing practices that support the process of introducing innovation in the company. The curriculum includes content related to the acquisition of new ideas and knowledge to improve the company, the development of its products, the stimulation of industrial innovation, interaction with customers, knowledge sharing and innovation process management methods. To achieve the project objectives, the INNOVATRAIN TRANSFER project aimed to transfer and adapt the existing results of the successful INNOVATRAIN and AIM projects.INNOVATRAIN was a successful project carried out in different regions of Spain. Its main objective was to promote and improve the innovation and internationalization processes of local manufacturing SMEs. To this end, INNOVATRAIN developed its own methodology combining online training and technical R&D support as two key elements in the SMEs’ journey towards international markets. The AIM – Acceleration of Innovative Ideas to Market project aimed to develop a system that supports the collection of innovative ideas and relevant knowledge throughout the extended enterprise for new and existing process and product developments, and to develop these ideas and knowledge into a means of promoting industrial innovation.The partners enriched the transferred INNOVATRAIN methodology by elaborating new bilingual learning scenarios, including classical training, blended training, and distance learning. New ICT features, including Web 2.0 opportunities to increase the effectiveness of learning through contact between students, teachers and advisors, not only during the course. Upon completion of the training, participants should be able to collaborate as users of the developed ICT platform and share knowledge and experiences for the mutual benefit of the entire sector.

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