“The increasing number of complex works in the field of building restoration and maintenance urgently requires advanced and systematic access to the relevant knowledge. Innovative forms of collaborative knowledge and business networks of SMEs and RTD partners are a promising approach to provide such access and to promote the convergence of SMEs in the construction industry with knowledge organizations. The innovative solutions for (a) collaborative SME-RTD communities for knowledge creation/reuse along the joint work to ensure also bidirectional learning (SMEs from knowledge funds and RTDs and RTDs from collaborative work and “tacitly inherited” SME knowledge), and (b) closer business collaboration between SMEs and RTDs are needed to ensure higher efficiency of knowledge-based approach leading to the creation of new comprehensive services with high added value for customers. The project envisions the development of an ICT solution suitable for SMEs to (1) provide innovative, competitive knowledge and training services and (2) support the realization of new forms of SME-FTD networking through specific knowledge integration. An SOA-based platform is developed in which KM services for collecting, structuring and reusing relevant content are complemented by social interaction management (MSI) services for realizing virtual collaborative networks and technology-enhanced learning (TEL). The main innovation is to provide for the first time a holistic, highly harmonized solution to achieve a strategic breakthrough in SME-RTD collaboration in a specific area of the construction industry through (1) a methodology that addresses innovative SME-RTD network models and methods/procedures for identifying, collecting and structuring the specific knowledge for restoration/maintenance of buildings, taking into account environmental and energy saving aspects, and (2) a SOA platform that combines MSI, KM and TEL services. The system will be tested in the collection/reuse of knowledge in 4 BCs.”
More information under: https://cordis.europa.eu/result/rcn/53059_en.html