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CuteLoop’s strategic goal is to explore how smart connected devices, such as enhanced RFID-based systems, can be used to effectively integrate customers into an integrated enterprise, thus taking an important step towards a “true” real-time integrated enterprise. Such an integrated real-time enterprise, where customers are the driving force, needs on the one hand highly flexible and dynamic business connections to be able to respond dynamically and agilely, and on the other hand a highly intensive and timely exchange of knowledge/experience between large enterprises (LEs), SMEs and customers. CuteLoop intends to explore how to radically improve the interaction of the different actors in the integrated enterprise, in particular involving customers as an integral part of these complex relationships, focusing on the use of “Networked Devices Enabled Intelligence” to realize distributed and autonomous control of business processes. CuteLoop aims to realize a holistic approach based on:- an innovative architecture by integrating event-driven and SOA-based principles,- intelligent and agile agents combined with an event-driven architecture,- decentralized and self-evolving approaches to ensure security and trust and support customer-centric data protection- new interaction models and patterns for the real-time enterprise. CuteLoop intends to address these issues in an SME-driven integrated enterprise scenario (with a focus on small and micro enterprises), which is the most critical scenario from both a technical and organizational/economic perspective due to its high complexity and required flexibility. CuteLoop focuses on small and micro enterprises in two sectors: Construction and Food Industry.

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