EXTREMEFACTORIES is a set of tools that enable a company to easily and effectively set up, monitor and track a business innovation process. ExtremeFactories is targeted at industrial SMEs and consists of two key elements: a great and user-friendly web-based platform and a comprehensive set of methodologies and tools compiled in an illustrated case-based workbook from which any SME can draw inspiration and skills to manage their innovation process.
ExtremeFactories is an EU-funded project. As such, it has a strong focus on innovation. The web platform contains semantic capabilities (ontologies) that give the system its own intelligence, allowing it to identify the needs of its users and make suggestions. The ontologies also enable the system to make the user experience more relevant by suggesting and prompting alternative paths to their innovation needs.
The platform will support SMEs innovating in a networked environment, taking into account their internal and external partners by enabling open, multi-stakeholder innovation (i.e., customer, supplier, vendor, and employee-centric innovation).
More information under: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/285164