Diversity (Cloud Manufacturing and Social Software Based Context Sensitive Product-Service Engineering Environment for Globally Distributed Enterprise) is a European project funded under the H2020 program (GA#: 636692) that started in February 2015 and is scheduled to end in January 2018.
The project aims to develop a new cloud-based engineering environment to help modern enterprises manage their multi-directional knowledge sharing and dynamic real-time feedback loops both internally (between product design, service design and manufacturing) and externally (with customers, suppliers and other relevant organizations along the value chain spread across the globe). In this sense, Diversity aims to create a collaborative environment for product service design that supports companies from context-sensitive knowledge capture and search to the transformation of this data into product service functionalities.
In particular, the project aims to support companies that are changing their business model by adding services to their product offering (PSS – Product Service System) and adopting the new paradigm of mass customization.
One of the focal points of the Diversity project is the development of a Product Service System (PSS) ontology. The PSS ontology developed in collaboration with EPFL (EU project FALCON) is intended to become a base ontology for improving the engineering of PSS in the manufacturing domain.
Some early results have been published under the following papers:
- Ontology for collaborative development of product-service systems based on a basic formal ontology.
- Product Service System (PSS) Ontology for Discrete Manufacturing.
More information under: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/636692