Studied Computer Science at the University of Bremen. Since 2000, he is working as scientific staff member at ATB. He is Involved in diverse CEC funded RTD projects since the 5th FP. Furthermore, he has long term project experience in several fields (e.g. Automotive, Manufacturing, Logistics and Healthcare). He has excellent IT skills in programming languages (java, c/c++, perl, python), database systems, and development methodologies (RAD, XP, RUP, OOP). Active in researching on context aware approaches and systems, object-based software models and methodologies for optimising the software development process for distributed, SOA, agent-based and interoperable and context aware systems and web-based applications. He was working as project (e.g. Self-Learning, AsKoWi, EngineeringWiki) and local project manager (e.g. K-Net, EPES) in several EU and direct research projects. He was acting as coordinator of the FP7 Self-Learning project, H2020 U-Qasar project as well as technical director of the H2020 project SAFIRE. He has more than 50 publications on technical and research topics. He is currently acting as Coordinator of the H2020 projects ENCORE and SmartCLIDE.
Diplom Informatiker, Universität Bremen