More than 30 years experience in industrial and research projects on the knowledge management, intelligent and adaptive control of robots and automation systems, modeling and control of flexible manufacturing systems. From 1991 to 2009 senior researcher at ATB Bremen, responsible for research on the application of ICT systems in production systems, enterprise modeling and design, introduction of best manufacturing practices etc. Project and local project manager for more than 20 EU projects, such as QUETA, INTELL-DIAG, PICK, AIM, InAmI, InLife, IntelLEO, Self-Learning etc. on adaptive control, knowledge management and technology enhanced learning, collaborative environments in manufacturing companies. Evaluator and reviewer of a number of EU projects. Author and co-author of more than 160 papers. Co-author of four monographs and two textbooks, published by Springer-Verlag, as well as of chapters in three monographs.