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For electric vehicles, the development of an interactive ICT and service interface between the vehicle and its electricity infrastructure is of paramount importance, alongside the creation of effective business models.
This project aims to help neutralize drivers’ “range anxiety” and encourage customers to opt for fully electric road transport. Therefore, the objective of “ELVIRE” is to develop an on-board electric energy communication and service platform for realistic use cases, including the corresponding external communication and services. To this end, the following actions will be taken: Selection of representative use cases based on realistic scenarios and business models, identification and development of the in-vehicle ICT and services required for the use cases, development of “prototypes” for the in-vehicle communication and e-energy service unit, verification of all integrated subsystems at prototype level, and demonstration of proof of concept.
Great emphasis is placed on the “openness of the electricity service platform”, allowing access to multiple players while preserving customer choice.
ELVIRE is divided into 5 work packages, with: WP 1000 deals with project management, legal aspects and dissemination, as well as the inclusion of complementary RTD WP 2000 defines relevant deployment data for the use case, taking into account technical and commercial aspects WP 3000 deals with external e-service provisioning and the required e-IC instruments WP 4000 develops the e-communication device and the OEM-neutral universal in-vehicle e-communication and service platform WP 5000 performs integration and usability testing, as well as general system validation.
ELVIRE will be critical to future electric road transport by bridging the gap between vehicle technology and the in-vehicle ICT and service environment. ELVIRE will have a major impact by strengthening competitiveness, energy efficiency and reducing emissions, and promoting electrification.

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