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The smashHit session at the EBDVF2022 was a success!
We have successfully held our final smashHit event on the 21-23th of November at the EBDVF2022 – European Big Data Value Forum 2022 in Prague! We had the possibility to present smashHit to a wide interested audience at our booth, where we shared our dissemination material and the event participants could interact and discuss in-person with the members of the smashHit consortium. Apart from our presence at the booth during the 3 event days, we had a session, titled “An Innovative Approach to Compliant Consent”, which consisted of a general smashHit presentation and an interesting subsequent panel discussion, involving Business Case and development members from the consortium, as well as Kimmo Rossi from the European Commission.

In the first part of the session, a presentation of the overall smashHit journey was given by consortium members Nick Walker (LN), Pekka Koponen (FVH), Mohammad Al-Rifai (VW) and Ana Correia (ATB), addressing the following key aspects:
- The Market Challenge – what are we trying to solve?
- The Impact of Solving the Challenges – what does solving the challenge mean?
- The building blocks of the solution – how have we solved the challenge?
- The future plan – what do we plan next?

After the presentation, we had an intensive panel discussion, moderated by Christian Wolff (ATB), involving consortium members Nick Walker (LN), Pekka Koponen (FVH), Mohammad Al-Rifai (VW), Iván Carillo (ATOS), as well as Kimmo Rossi from the European Commission. During the discussion we had the possibility to dive deeper into the topics raised in the presentation and by the audience, such as current consent barriers for data sharing, and ongoing and potential standardisation activities for smashHit components. Kimmo Rossi also gave interesting insights on ongoing activities in the consent and data spaces field from the European Commission’s point of view.
More information can be found on the official programme page, including the presentations at: Additionaly, we have streamed the full session live on our smashHit’s Youtube channel, and the video can now be found on demand at the following link: