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Research Report 2017

In 2017 the Institute for Applied Systems Technology Bremen GmbH (ATB) successfully continued
its strategy for the implementation of applied research. Among others, the following indicators
clearly show the effectiveness of the approach:

  • ATB successfully acquired two additional important research projects in the calls of the current EU research framework programme HORIZON 2020. These new projects – CrossCPP and IoF2020 – address the themes of „ICT Big Data: Creation of an open and vendorindependent Data Marketplace“ and „IoT: Further Developing the Digital Networking of all actors in the EU Agricultural Sector“ explored by ATB in recent years. This is a clear indication that the approach taken by ATB to define RTD activities, taking into account both industrial needs and advanced technology developments, proves to be appropriate in accomplishing ATB’s mission and promises which are well-suited for the current EU programme. Major R&D topics that emerged in the last years – Context Awareness, Mobile & Collaborative Services and Intelligent Middleware as well as Big Data Analytics – continue to be highly relevant for both industrial and research communities.
  • ATB successfully acquired and carried out nine projects directly funded by industry, in which the Institute is solving short and medium-term problems of its industrial partners based on advanced application-oriented research such as advanced software engineering methods, innovative knowledge management, Internet-based solutions and mobile services.
  • The Institute has successfully continued or startedwork on nine research projects within the scope of the previous 7th Research Framework programme of the EU or the latest programme HORIZON 2020. The ProSEco project was successfully completed in 2017.

The research report can be downloaded here.

Daniel Obreiter

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