Methods and Tools Supporting Digital Product Service System Passport We proudly announce the launch of…

H2020 Project encore started
We are proud to announce the launch of our new project, ENCORE (Energy aware BIM Cloud Platform in a Cost-effective Building Renovation Context), starting on the first of January 2019. The project is a Research and Innovation Action funded by the European Commission’s research framework programme Horizon 2020, under the focus area “Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future”.
During the next three years our mission will be to create effective and affordable BIM tools that cover the whole renovation life-cycle (from data collection to project execution, and commissioning/delivery) in order to boost a sustainable renovation industry in Europe. The project brings together experts in Computer Vision, 3D graphics, Artificial Intelligence, BIM software and Energy Efficiency from all over Europe. Croatia, Denmark, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom are the countries involved in the project.
ENCORE will provide AI powered tools to all the stakeholders in the renovation life-cycle to achieve more sustainable buildings. Architecture studios and designers will be able to accelerate the creation of BIM models enhanced with energy efficiency related metadata by using LiDAR sampling and automatic generation of 3D models. Dwellers will share building information with the architects for the creation of the renovation project. They will also evaluate the different energy-efficient renovation options offered by the system and validate them. After the validation by the dwellers, ENCORE will provide constructors with detailed work plans for the execution of the project.
One of ENCORE partners is the regional government of Extremadura, in Spain, providing two demonstration buildings that were constructed following the regional housing typology. The demonstrators are used to assess the effectiveness of renovation measures and the use of renewable energies. Being both buildings completely monitored thanks to hundreds of sensors, renovation changes are implemented in just one of them, so efficiency can be measured in both in order to determine the effectiveness of the renovation measures.
The project is strongly market-driven, so we will organise several business modelling workshops where external actors from the European building renovation industry will be able to validate the minimum viable product of the software and will be invited to provide valuable feedback.
You will be able to know more in the coming weeks thanks to our web site, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts, that are currently under development.