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NewBEE project is approaching the end of its first year
The NewBEE project is approaching the end of its first year in September 2013. In this first period, the project consortium has defined the four Business Cases and has collected technical and non-technical requirements for them, while in parallel performing a careful analysis of the state of the art of the methods and ICT tools relevant for the project. The results of the state of the art analysis have been compiled in the public Deliverable D2.2 "SotA on Methodologies and Tools", which can be downloaded from the NewBEE website. Two successful meetings that involved the majority of the project partners (Malta, in March 2013, and Helsinki, in May 2013) have further supported the synchronization of the partners‘ efforts and the crystallization of these results.
At the moment, the focus points of work are the finalization of the ICT Concept and the continuing Specification of the system to be implemented. The main upcoming NewBEE event is the General Meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia, between the 7th and 9th of October.