Research project AsKoWi started
Bremen, 01. August 2009 – Im August starten ATB – Institut für angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen GmbH und die CONTACT Software GmbH das Forschungsprojekt AsKoWi. Im Bereich des Wissensmanagements zielt das Projekt auf eine innovative Lösung für das Wissensmanagement in verteilten …
Forschungsprojekt AsKoWi startet gefördert durch das BMBF-Progamm KMU-innovativ
Bremen, 01. August 2009 – Im August starten ATB – Institut für angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen GmbH und die CONTACT Software GmbH das Forschungsprojekt AsKoWi. Im Bereich des Wissensmanagements zielt das Projekt auf eine innovative Lösung für das Wissensmanagement in verteilten …
Neue Wege im Wissensmanagement
"Neue Wege im Wissensmanagement", Pressemitteilung der Contact Software GmbH.
IntelLEO presentation at ICELW Conference in New York City
Her contribution on “Participatory Design Methods for Learning and Knowledge Sharing Activities in Networked Organisations†introduced the audience to the IntelLEO participatory design approach. The presentation was well attended and the audience was especially interested in the externalisation of knowledge …
AmI-MoSES project presented at COMADEM 2009, International Conference in San Sebastian, Spain on June, 10th 2009.
2nd Technical Working Meeting
The project's second Technical Working Meeting was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia by the project partner Solvera-Lynx on May, 4th and 5th 2009.
2nd General Meeting
The project's second General Meeting was held in Bilbao, Spain on March, 4th to 6th 2009.
IntelLEO started
The IntelLEO project started its work with the Kick-off Meeting held in Bremen, Germany on February, 19th and 20th 2009.
ATB participated at European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) in Brussels, Belgium on February, 9th to 13th 2009.