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First ProSEco Newsletter is out!

The ProSEco project has published the first newsletter covering the first six months of the project (from October 2013 up to March 2014) and in particular Objectives, Targeted results, Project Realisation where the Business Case and all partners are introduced…

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New project ProSEco started in October

The objective is to provide a novel methodology and a comprehensive ICT solution for collaborative design of product-services (Meta Products) and their production processes. The effective extension of products with new services in different sectors (automotive, home appliances, automation equipment …

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Neues Projekt ProSEco startete im Oktober

Das Ziel ist die Bereitstellung einer neuartigen Methodik und allumfassenden IKT Lösung zur gemeinschaftlichen Entwicklung von Produkt-Services (Meta Produkte) und ihrer Produktionsprozesse. Die erfolgreiche Ausweitung von Produkten mit neuen Diensten in verschiedenen Bereichen (Automobil, Haushaltsgeräte, Automatisierungseinrichtung usw.) wird durch die

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Newsletter for second period of project EPES is out!

The EPES project has published a newsletter covering the second period of the project (September 2012 – September 2013) and in particular Results & Objectives, Lessons Learned, Cluster Activities and Dissemination & Events. Related Files epes_newsletter_1_v0-5-pdf

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