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OntoCommons project has started!

The H2020 project #OntoCommons has officially started on the 1st of November 2020 with 18 other partners.

The OntoCommons project overall objective is to bring together and coordinate activities of the most relevant EU stakeholders for the development of an Ontology Commons EcoSystem (OCES), consisting of ontologies and tools following specific standardization rules, that can be effectively used as foundation for data documentation in the industrial domain, in order to facilitate data sharing and valorisation and overcome the existing interoperability bottlenecks.

We aim to significantly increase the knowledge transfer between academia to industry, in cross domain interactions and interoperability which will foster an OntoCommons Ontology EcoSystem (OCES) and other tools and solutions, as well as testing a blueprint of software solutions hence fostering a range of tools and services for the re-use and valorisation of data and growing importance of Europe’s wide Industry commons  and DSM efforts in line with the strategies by the European Commission.

OntoCommons is submitted at a crucial time when we see in the strive for a more inclusive Digital Single Market, multiple European efforts in research and innovation consortia are securing more and more frameworks for representing shareable and reusable knowledge across different domains. Efforts that the project will liaise with such as the communities working on EOSC or on FAIR features have this sentiment imprinted in their DNA.

Event organization will be another key element of OntoCommons communication and engagement activities, building on existing synergies over time, as outlined above and spanning small business associations, innovation and Industry Commons hubs and synergies across relevant synergies, thereby maximizing on opportunities for cross-fertilization as a foundation for sustainability.

The effectiveness of the OntoCommons approach will be proved by the delivery of a set of demonstration cases built upon the OCES (11 existing and 10 more being acquired during project runtime), spanning through several domains providing ready to use ontologies, tools and a selection of data samples for dissemination purposes, together with documentation for the users

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and of course to visit us on our official Website:

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