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Gender Equality Plan implemented by 2022

ATB Bremen has layed out and is implementing the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) according to the requirements of the European Commission recently started Research Framework Programm for Research and Innovation (Horizon Europe). Self-Declaration GEP

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NKS DIT wählt das ENCORE Projekt als Success Story aus

Das von ATB koordinierte europäische Forschungsprojekt ENCORE wurde von der Nationale Kontaktstelle Digitale und Industrielle Technologien (NKS DIT) als Erfolgsgeschichte ausgewählt und in der Broschüre "Germany in the lead - Industrielle Schlüsseltechnologien aus Europa, koordiniert aus Deutschland" präsentiert.

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SmartCLIDE presented in the ECLIPSE Newsletter

Increasing Adoption of Cloud Solutions With SmartCLIDE The SmartCLIDE research project aims to bridge the gap between on-demand business strategies and the lack of qualified software professionals by creating a new cloud native IDE that makes it easier to develop and deploy…

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OntoCommons project has started!

The H2020 project #OntoCommons has officially started on the 1st of November 2020 with 18 other partners. The OntoCommons project overall objective is to bring together and coordinate activities of the most relevant EU stakeholders for the development of an Ontology Commons EcoSystem (OCES), consisting of ontologies and…

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